The Goodness of God
We pray to God
For the sake of his holy flesh,
For his precious blood, his holy passion,
His blessed death and wounds,
The endless life that is ours.
From all of this
Is of God’s goodness.
We pray for the love
Of his sweet mother that bore him,
For the help of her is of his goodness.
And all the help we have of the saints
And the blessed company of heaven,
The love and endless friendship
We have of them
Is of God’s goodness.
For out of God’s goodness
We have the means to help
Of which the chief and principle means
The blessed nature, Jesus, born of the maid.
And it pleases him
That we seek him and worship him
Through our prayers,
Understanding and knowing
That God is the Goodness of all.
For the Goodness of God is the highest prayer
And it comes down to serve the least of our needs.
It excites our soul and fills it with life
And effects an increase in grace and virtue.
God’s goodness, close to our nature, pours out grace,
The same grace that the soul seeks
And ever shall seek
Until we truly know we are enclosed in his arms.