The author of this piece of English poetry is unknown. The pieces of the poem below offer a flavor of its theme. Although we are now in the Easter season it is good to remind ourselves of why we are so elated. The full version can be found online.
exerpts from "The Dream of the Rood", translated by Craig
Lo, I will tell the dearest of dreams
the sweetest vision that crossed my sleep in the
middle of the night
when speech-bearers lay in silent rest.
I seemed to see a wondrous tree
Lifting up in the air wound in light,
The brightest of beams.
I was seized with sorrow
tormented by the sight of that beautiful cross.
I heard the best of woods begin to speak:
“Many years ago – I still remember the day – I was cut
at the edge of a forest, severed from my trunk,
removed from my roots.
Then I saw the Lord of mankind hasten to me, eager to
climb up.
With a keen heart and firm purpose.
climbed up on the cross, the tree of shame,
bold in the eyes of many, to redeem mankind.
I was seized with sorrow, humbling myself to men’s
bowing down with bold courage.
They lifted up almighty God,
raising his body from its burden of woe.
A sorrow-song at evening, as they began to depart,
drained by the death of their glorious Prince.
He rested in the tomb with few friends.
But we stood by weeping, unquiet crosses,
when the cries of men had drifted off.
Now you have heard, my dear dreamer,
How I have endured such sorrow and strife.
The time is come for all men on earth and throughout
to honor me and offer me prayers to the sign of the
The son of God suffered on me for a while –
Now I rise up in heaven a tower of glory,
And I can heal any man who holds me in awe.
Now I command you, my dear friend,
to reveal this dream to other men,
disclose to them that the tree of glory was Christ’s
where he suffered sorely for the sins of man
and the old deeds of Adam….”
Then I prayed to the cross with an eager heart and a
zealous spirit ….
Now my life’s great hope is to see again Christ’s
And honor it more keenly than other men.
The cross is my hope and my protection.
I live each day, longing for the time that I saw
before in a wonderous dream
will come back again to carry me to the joys of
to an everlasting bliss, to the Lord’s table
where the company of Christ feasts together forever
and ever,
where I can dwell in glory with the holy saints,
sustained in joy.
I pry for God to be my friend, the Savior who suffered
on the gallows tree for the sins of men;
who rose and redeemed us
with everlasting life and a heavenly home.