While reading The Imitation I came to the following paragraph.
"If only a man would never seek passing joys or entangle himself with worldly affairs, what a good conscience he would have. What great peace and tranquillity would be his, if he cut himself off from all empty care and thought only of things divine, things helpful to his soul, and put all his trust in God."
At first I thought this to be a rather ridiculous proposition. How could anyone live in today's modern world, raise a family, hold down a job, become educated, serve their country or be involved in any of the other myriad other facets of daily life, and still remain aloof?
Then I got in my car and heard on a talk radio show of the obscene sex education shenanigans at Northwestern University and an interview with a professional brothel employee (I'm trying to be subtle) who was extoling the safety and professionalism of the industry while the interviewers where tossing out double entendres (pardon me if I don't know the plural) and in general making it an occasion of frivolity and light-hearted fun.
I thought, "Thomas a Kempis, show me how"!
I can hear you screaming at me, "Bob, stop listening to that stuff (another subtlety). That would be a good start!
Ok, let me see what I can do.
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