Monday, June 20, 2011

Unity of Thought

One of the paths of our discussion at our last meeting was the idea of community as being an essential part of the Christian personality and our obligation to the "Other". This line of thought is laid out in a quote from the  book, Sages and Dreamers, written by Elie Wiesel. The idea draws even tighter the bond between Christians and Jews and their practical spirituality. It also has a very important meaning for us who "study" the Christian Spirit.
"A hero in the Talmud is someone who works on his own spiritual development for the sake of others. Someone who dwells in his own garden, alone, is not heroic. Had Moses stayed in heaven, he would have become our prophet but not our teacher. Had Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai remained in the cave, he would have kept his vision to himself. Learning is important to the individual person – but to share it is more important. … Because in learning, man can always go higher and higher. When it comes to learning, the more one gives, the more one receives. Hence the emphasis in the Talmud on study and good deeds. Theology matters less than human relations."

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