Friday, October 21, 2011

Emmanuel Levinas

I had never heard of Emmanuel Levinas so I went to Wikipedia to find out. Some information from that site follows.

Emmanuel Levinas 12 January 1906 – 25 December 1995) was a Lithuanian-born French Jewish philosopher and Talmudic commentator.

A sample of his thought follows, also from Wikipedia.

Lévinas prefers to think of philosophy as the "wisdom of love" rather than the love of wisdom (the literal Greek meaning of the word "philosophy"). In his view, responsibility precedes any "objective searching after truth".

Much food for thought.


TGO said...

The question so important today is how to understand our faith and how to share it with others. The culture has its own way of thinking, and is very dominating. We need thinkers such as Levinas to help us to re-think, and re-affirm our faith, for ourselves and in favor of others.

TGO said...

The quote shows the biblical inspiration of his thought, so refreshing in a modern philosopher.