Friday, December 7, 2012

A world in darkness. . .

Advent is a looking ahead to the light of the Son (sun) promised by the Father.  On this feast of St. Ambrose, Matthew (Mt. 9:27-32) tells of two blind men who followed after Jesus, calling incessantly, "Have pity on us, Son of David."  Jesus asked them if they believe he could heal them.  They readily assented, and "their eyes were opened." Jesus said, "Let it be done for you according to your faith."  The prayer over the offerings asks, "may the Holy Spirit fill us with that light of faith by which he constantly enlightened Saint Ambrose."

As we approach the natural end of the annual celestial cycle, we look, in faith, to a time of greater light.  The responsorial psalm intones, "The Lord is my light and my salvation." (Ps.27). The first reading promises, "On that day . . . the eyes of the blind shall see."  Isaiah 29:19.

Christ's light is shown in compassion and love.  We enter into Christ's light, as we imitate His love.    Our book of life, as it turns, page by page, day by day, is a " book without light, unless with love we write." Moody Blues, Isn't life Strange, at 5:05. Isn't this our faith, our light in the darkness of this world, approaching as the dawn?

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