Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sign of the Cross, Sign of the Trinity

At St. Theresa's in Eagle, Wisconsin my wife and I heard a simple sermon suggesting a way to think about the Trinity.  The homilist associated the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with the first question and answer in the Baltimore catechism:  "Why did God make me?  To know, love and serve Him so we can be with Him forever in heaven."

The homilist invited us to make the sign of the cross.  "In the name of the Father."  We touch our forehead, seeking to know the Father who loves us, creating us in His image as rational and spiritual beings. "And of the Son."  We touch our heart, seeking to love as God's Son Jesus loved us in becoming a human being. "And of the Holy Spirit."  We touch our shoulders, seeking to serve God and our neighbor in the spirit of the active love between Father and Son.

In this way, our simple sign of the cross invites us to live the meaning of the Trinity, placing all that we are and do on our Triune God's altar of personal and sacrificial love.

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