Monday, September 1, 2014

GSP - Gross Spiritual Product

Celebration of Discipline is a book written by Richard J. Foster. Since it was recommended to me I have come to learn that it is quite a popular text on Christian spirituality. This is the second book that I've read by this author. Some of the sources for his work were somewhat new to me. One of those sources is a man named D. Elton Trueblood. Like Richard Foster, Elton Trueblood was a Quaker and a theologian.

Following is a quotation from the introduction to Celebration of Discipline written by Elton Trueblood. It speaks to our current cultural condition in which happiness and prosperity are measured by the size of your paycheck and the amount of goods that you consume.

D. Elton Trueblood

‘A genuine cultural Revolution would ensue if considerable numbers were to obey the trenchant command, “De-accumulate.”

The greatest problems of our time are not technological, for these we handle fairly well. They are not even political or economic, because the difficulties in these areas, glaring as they may be, are largely derivative. The greatest problems are moral and spiritual, and unless we can make some progress in these realms, we may not even survive. This is how advanced cultures have declined in the past.'

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