Friday, December 26, 2014

Room at the Inn?

Fr. Dan's sermon for Christmas focused on Luke's comment "there was no room for them" in the inn. Lk 2:7.

Why, he asked, was (and is) there no room for Christ in the inn?

First, because it was already occupied with other guests. There simply was no room. Others were there before, and the innkeeper didn't think to disturb them.

Second, the innkeeper didn't appreciate who his new guests were. He was unaware of their importance.

Third, the innkeeper wasn't willing to rearrange things in the inn to make room.Why should he? The inn was full and who were these people to put him out?

Fr. Dan invited us to ponder how we respond to Christ at our door. For, as Revelation says, "Here I stand, knocking at the door. If anyone hears me calling and opens the door I will enter his house and I will have supper with him And he with me." Rev. 3:20.

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