Wednesday, July 25, 2018

St. Therese on Saints

In his study of St. Therese in Two Sisters in the Spirit, Balthasar offers this characterization of St. Therese’s view of the vocation of the saints.

“The true saints are those whose ardor in their earthly mission is fed solely by the eternal, heavenly life that they have tasted but has been so painfully withdrawn. They do not turn their backs on the world in order to enjoy the rest of heaven in advance. Rather they live a life of intense longing and move the world by the strength of that heaven that has first been granted to them and then closed to them. They hang crucified between this world and the beyond; exiles from earth but not yet in their heavenly home, their position serves as a kind of pulpit, and their whole life is a sermon. It does not matter whether the preaching takes the form of action or contemplation – this decision is left to God; in both cases, their position is the same, stretched between earth and heaven. And the longer they hang there, the more intimate the presence of heaven within them, for nothing brings a person nearer to God than hanging there.” p. 212