Sunday, November 17, 2019

From Christian Perfection and Contemplation, by Rev. R. Garrigou-LaGrange, O.P., p. 207:

"Prayer is a more powerful force than all physical energies taken together, more powerful than money, than learning. Prayer can accomplish what all material things and all created spirits cannot do by their own natural powers.  According to Pascal: "All bodies, the firmament and its starts, the earth and its kingdom, are not equal to the least of spirits . . . . By assembling all material things one could not succeed in producing even one small thought.  This is impossible and belongs to another order. . . . All material bodies together and all spirits, and all that they produce are not worth the slightest movement of charity, which belongs to an infinitely more elevated order." [Pensees (Havet ed.), art.17,1.] Prayer can obtain grace for us which will make us produce this act of charity.
"Prayer thus plays an infinitely greater role in the world than the most amazing discovery."

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