Monday, June 6, 2022

St. Bernard: Poetry as Prose - Prose as Poetry

 At times the writings of St. Bernard can be dense with theological significance. When reading the English translations of his work there is a sense that even the translator is uncertain of the meanings St. Bernard wished to convey. At other times the prose, translated to English, flows so well one can easily appreciate its poetic qualities. One such example is in his book, The Steps of Humility and Pride, Section VIII:21*. When reading the prose it cannot be helped but to notice the lyrical and musical phrasing. 
At the risk of exposing my lack of poetic acumen, I've taken the liberty to versify a portion of this paragraph. The footnotes to the text have been omitted for clarity, but the last stanza exudes the ambiance of the Song of Songs. 


The Son of God, the Word and Wisdom of the Father, 

Mercifully assumed to himself human reason, the first of our powers.

He found it oppressed by the flesh, Held captive by sin, blinded by ignorance.

Distracted by outward things. He raised it by his might, taught it by his wisdom,

Drew it to things interior.


More wonderfully still, he delegated to it His own power of Judge.

To judge is the proper act of Truth and in this it shared, 

When out of reverence for the Word to which it is joined

It became accuser, witness and judge against itself.


Humility had been born from the union of the Word with human reason.

Then the Holy Spirit lovingly visited the second power, the will;

He found it rotten with the infection of the flesh,

But already judged by reason.


Gently he cleansed it, made it burn with affection,

Made it merciful until, like a skin made pliable by oil

It would spread abroad the heavenly oil of love even to its enemies.

The union of the Holy Spirit with the human will give[s] birth to charity.


See how this perfect soul, its two powers, The reason and the will,

Without spot and wrinkle, the reason instructed by the Word of Truth,

The will inflamed by Truth’s Spirit; sprinkled with the hyssop of humility,

Fired with the flame of charity; cleansed from spot by humility,

smoothed of wrinkle by charity; the reason never shrinking from the truth,

the will never striving against reason.


And this blessed soul the Father binds to himself as his own glorious bride.  

Now reason is no longer preoccupied with itself  and the will is no longer concerned with other men;

For this blessed soul all is lost in one delight: “The King has led me into his chamber.”

She learned humility in the school of the Son; she was led by the Holy Spirit

From the school of humility to the storehouse of charity.



1 comment:

Bob Calamia said...

A book recommendation: "ENDLESS LOVE poems of the mystics" by Scott Cairns, Paraclete Press. The author versifies the writings of the mystics.