Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Citizenship and Humility

How does one navigate between the concept of a noble experiment in human freedom such as the English pilgrim’s attempt to extricate their lives from oppressive government rule to today’s effort to subject America to another oppressive subjugation to government rule? As a child of the 1950’s and 1960’s I became enamored and was educated in the heroic effort of Englishmen, disenchanted with English rule, hoping to form a greater society where human freedom was fused with the greater good in a way that gave equal respect to both. But I find the concept of “equal respect” unable to find a foothold in current, bias filled cultural attitudes. Many people seek to defend their beliefs at any cost in spite of obvious facts that that do not support them. I say facts not arguments. Truth is not a consideration, only the degree to which a particular spin can be placed on the facts and at times regardless of the facts. All arguments are attributed to bias and conspiracy. When will we understand that peace requires a willingness to see in those who disagree with us elements of truth in their positions? When will we have the humility to admit to the flaws in our own positions? In our Constitutional Republic we assign this task to our elected representatives. We ask them to consider the welfare of all citizens by seeking truth in humility. It is appalling to see the low level to which this principle is applied by our leadership. The most successful and well-endowed country in history deserves much better.

We can take some lessons from St. Bernard. I’m just sayin’.  

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