What happened on the road to Damascus?
Paul's "conversion." But what seized and "turned" him? A bright light and a voice he did not recognize caused him to fall to the ground. The voice identified itself, "I am Jesus, whom you have persecuted." On his back on the ground, shocked to the core, he realized: Christ lives! The impossibility the impertinent little sect "the Way" proclaimed: That the crucified Jesus is raised from the dead -- is true!!
And what the Resurrection means, which Paul proclaimed ever afterward, is that through Christ, because of Christ, we can vanquish death. This is what the Gospels, the Good News, come down to. ("If the dead do not resurrect, Christ is not resurrected either. And if Christ is not resurrected, your faith is in vain." Cor.I.15.16) (See Alain Badiou, St Paul, The Foundation of Universalism, p. 45.)
Not relevant, but, there is no evedence that Paul was on a horse when struck down.
Point taken. I will change "from his horse" to "to the ground"
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