Monday, February 16, 2009

The Second Coming Revisited

The Diocese of Joliet provides workshops on various topics. As part of these workshops there is a series of lectures on theology. I recently attended a lecture entitled "Creation and Eschatology" given by Fr. John Surette, SJ. Using the theology of Karl Rahner and theologian John Haught, Fr. John provides us with a view of history and our future in the Kingdom as an evolutionary process.

Our recent discussions on the second coming and the final judgment came to mind during his lecture. He offered an explanation of the second coming of Christ, not as some future event, but as a process in which God is an active participant, propelling man toward an ever increasing perfection. Each act of creation being a seed, a promise of advancement toward his Kingdom.

John Haught will be giving two talks at Benedictine Univertsity on March 4th in the evening and March 5th in the afternoon.
Go to for more information.
The final talk in the series this spring is on April 28 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM. It will be given by Richard McCarron, Ph.D and the topic is “The Eucharist in a World of Hunger”. The talks are held at St. Charles Borromeo Pastoral Center in Romeoville.

1 comment:

TGO said...

John Haught is from Georgetown, and way back in 1971 I took his Science, Myth and Religion course there. I enjoyed it very much and think very highly of him. He has written several interesting books trying to make sense theologically of how God must be in an "evolving" world.