Monday, April 13, 2009

The Cross

Arbol, donde el cielo quiso
Dar el fruto verdadero
Contra el bocado primero,
Flor del nuevo paraiso,
Arco de luz, cuyo aviso
En pielago mas profundo
La paz publico del mundo,
Planta hermos, fertil vid,
Harpa del nuevo David,
Tabla del Moises segundo:
Pecador soy, tus favores
Pido por justicia yo:
Pues Dios en ti padecio
Solo por los pecadors.
A mi me deves tus loores;
Que por mi solo muriera
Dios, si mas mundo no hubiera.

Tree, which heaven has willed to dower
With that true fruit whence we live,
As that other, death did give;
Of new Eden loveliest flower;
Bow of light, that in worst hour
Of the worst flood signal true
O'er the world, of mercy threw;
Fair plant, yielding sweetest wine;
Of our David harp divine;
Of our Moses tables new;
Sinner am I, therefore I
Claim upon they mercies make,
Since alone for sinners' sake
God on thee endured to die;
And for me would God have died
Had there been no world beside.

From Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1600-1681)
Translated by Richard Chenevix Trench

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