Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Charisma = Possession

Charisma, according to Philip Rieff, is "a possession -- more precisely, a particular condition of being possessed or compelled. Possession 'from above' raises the possibility of being possessed 'from below'." Charisma, p.86.

Therese of Lisieux is a good example of possession "from above." She had an irresistable charm -- a charisma -- arising from possession of -- a being possessed by -- in her own words: an extraordinary love of God. Where did this possession come from? A quirk of personality? An out of place gene? No, Therese allowed herself to be possessed completely by her "spouse," Christ.

Rieff remarks also that possession is a "particular condition of being compelled." Possession from above is compulsion to shut down our transgressive desires, the drives of our lower nature -- to lower our eyes, to quiet our tongues, to beat our breasts while giving God praise for His mercy over our transgressiveness. When God is in possession He can act through us. Those who have eyes to see notice the charisma.

Charisma anyone?

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