Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Is Love or Hate Most Powerful?

Hate is certainly a powerful emotion, but is it more powerful than love? If God is love, love must be more powerful, right? Yet, look at the newspaper and TV: stories of hate are everywhere. Hate always seems to get the upper hand. How can love prevail over hate's power? Love is upbuilding, hate destroys. Love frees, hate enslaves. Love "covers a multitude of sins," hate magnifies every imperfection. Love gives life, hate deals death. Love, like the Spring, is always beginning, hate ends all possibilities. In the end, hate destroys the hater, love lets live.

Still, how can the person in thrall to hatred get free? Love has no legions, it can't seem to unclench the hater's fist, unshackle his mind. For Christians, Christ's resurrection gives us hope that love ultimately will prevail. But until that time comes, it seems that love often can only watch helplessly . . . and hope and pray.

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