Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jesus said to her, "Mary!"

Today's reading from John 20 ties in with the First Things article, "Through Yoga To Christianity." The author found that Yoga did not satisfy her desire for a relational (personal) experience of reality. Whereas Yoga speaks of a Nirvana in which each individual experiences bliss "as a drop of water returning to the ocean," Christianity teaches that "[e]ach of us is unique and unrepeatable, called by God from all eternity to inhabit this body at this particular time." As Jesus did for Mary, who could not recognize Him by herself, so He can do for each of us: call us by name.

But as a commentator (Carroll Stuhlmueller, Biblical Meditations For the Easter Season, at pp. 14-15) noted, "To be found by Jesus, we must accept Jesus on his terms." "To be found by Jesus demands a continuing attitude of obedient faith. Jesus finds us not that we may selfishly possess him, but that we may share this joy with many others."

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