Monday, October 29, 2012

La Caridad Nos Une (Charity Unites Us)

Father Javier of San Antonio de Padua parish in Semaje Guatemala came to St. Michael Parish recently to say thank you for our visit in March 2012 to his parish.  The visit was to assist his parish to build a medical clinic in the town of Semachaca.  The theme of our and Fr. Javier's visits was "La Caridad Nos Une." Charity unites us.

For those who could not come, I made a video showing the gist of our visit.  I hope you enjoy it.

The video, I hope, shows our efforts at building "communion" and experiencing "liberation."  Communion because our communities interacted personally, in charity and good fellowship, growing in love as we did so.  Charity is the opening of one person's heart to another.  This opening is also a work of liberation for all.  It is liberating to love, for it frees us from selfishness, which is enslaving; and our mutual efforts to improve provision of health services liberate us and our communities to a healthier and better life.

We are planning another trip for March 2013 (March 22 - 30) to work in the parish.  We invite you to come with us.  Contact me at if you feel called.  Free your heart, let it travel with us, unite with us, either physically or in your prayers and good wishes.  Your response will enhance our communion in charity, and liberate us in freedom that living in Christ offers to all of us!

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