Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Love's Letting Go

How does one come to terms with a failed love?  There is a ready model:  the sacrifice of Jesus - love's outreach, its rejection, the accusation, a painful crown of thorns, a long struggle with a cross upon which hands and feet are nailed in bloody crucifixion - all because love went wrong.

The alternative is to hate, a path many take. Christ's love accepted rejection, and still loved.  For the lost loves in our lives, let us offer our pain and grief in sacrifice with His, hoping that his Resurrection will redeem our failure, healing hurts and wounds.

To offer so makes up for the lack in the suffering in Christ. Col. 1:24.  Not because Christ did not suffer enough, but because His infinite sacrifice embraces all past and future sufferings, redeeming all.  And so we offer our sufferings to the Christ who reaches out in love to us after our loves fail.  Our prayer for that saving embrace can even reach our failed loves.

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