Earlier this week Amity Shlaes in an opinion article in the Tribune explained the Petraeus affair as prompted by Petraeus' "narcissism" (=excessive self-love). Today Meghan Daum described his lover as "a young, worshipful woman."
They come close to the Judeo-Christian truth of the matter: Idolatry (=worship of false gods). The first great commandment requires us to love God with our whole mind and heart and soul, and the second, to love our neighbor "as ourself." That is, we are to love God above all, and each other as creatures "under God," not as gods. Worshipping myself or another person in an ecstasy of self-love is NOT permitted.
Today's first reading brings home this sobering point. John in his second letter, mentions the commandment [of love] that "we have had from the beginning," and says, "[f]or this is love, that we walk according to his commandments. . . "
So the two great love commands are to be read in light of the other commandments, including the commandments not to commit adultery and not to covet a neighbor's spouse. The "great" commands of love "work with" all of God's commandments, given to us for our fruitfulness and joy, not for death. For, as John says in his first letter (ch.3:14), all who do not love (in this way) constitute the "living dead."
Gen. Petraeus and his paramour must be "living death" now under the shame and opprobrium occasioned by the effect of their actions on their families (and on all of us at risk because of security breaches)..
What can I do about this? I can (and do) pledge: In all my behaviors in love (which should include all of my behaviors) I will be on my best behavior, honoring and following all of God's commandments.
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