Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Finishing With Confidence

The end of the church year affords opportunity to reflect on the end times, death and the giving up of life.  In today's first reading the "angel swung his sickle over the earth and cut the earth's vintage.  He threw it into the great wine press of God's fury." Rv. 14:19.  In Luke's Gospel for today Jesus says, "do not be terrified" when you hear of wars and insurrections.  Lk. 21:8.  Elsewhere Jesus promises, "do not be afraid, I am with you until the end of the age."

Our Christian challenge is to let go of our grasp on life and all of its trappings and accept God's promise of eternal life after death to those who believe in Him and live accordingly.  Letting go is very hard for we experience viscerally what we have, and its threatened loss, but not so powerfully what we don't have yet, even though promised.  It's the dilemma that keeps the fat man from exercising: Short term pain stops him from exercising and from realizing exercise's long term gain.

Our faith is in the promised long term gain.  The short term pain is life and its aching loss. Let us ask for faith in the promise so we can face the future con fides, with confidence.

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