Monday, July 5, 2021

The Three Kisses - The First - The kiss of the feet

Thus says the Lord: The heavens are my throne, the earth, my footstool. Is.66:1

The kiss of the Feet

“However, I must not omit to speak of those spiritual feet of God to which the penitent’s first kiss, understood in a spiritual sense, ought to be directed. … it should not seem unreasonable to us to ascribe the feet to his humanity. Let us call one of these feet mercy, the other judgement. … With these very feet he finds his way into the souls of his lovers, tirelessly enlightening and searching the hearts and the loins of the faithful.” Ser 6:6-7

“Happy is the man then whose soul the Lord Jesus once sets these feet of his. There are two signs by which you may recognize such a one, for he cannot but bear upon him the imprint of these divine footsteps. These signs are fear and hope, the former presenting the imprint of judgement, the latter that of mercy. Truly, the Lord takes pleasure in them that fear him, and in them that hope in his mercy, for fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, hope the growth of wisdom. … It is clearly inexpedient to kiss the one without the other; a man who thinks only of the judgement will fall into the pit of despair, another who deceitfully flatters God’s mercy gives birth to a pernicious security.” Ser.6:8

“But you know what a teacher experience is; no longer of judgement alone or mercy alone, but of mercy and judgement I will sing to you, O Lord. I shall never forget your precepts, mercy and judgement will be the theme of my songs in the house of my pilgrimage, until one day when mercy triumphs over judgement, my wretchedness will cease to smart, and my heart, silent no longer, will sing to you. It will be the end of sorrow.” Ser. 6:9


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