Tuesday, March 8, 2022

“My lover belongs to me and I to him; he feeds among the lilies.”


“My lover belongs to me and I to him; he feeds among the lilies.” Sg 2:16 NRSV

“I belong to my lover; his yearning is for me.” Sg 7:11 NRSV

 With these verses in mind St. Benedict expounds on who is the Bridegroom and who the Bride.

“1. …. The Bride has spoken, and has said that the Bridegroom inclines himself to her; Sg 2:17, Sg 7:11 who then is the Bride, and who is the Bridegroom? The Bridegroom is our God, Ps 48:15 and we, I say in all humility, are the Bride – we, and the whole multitude of captives whom he acknowledges. Let us rejoice that this glory is ours; 2 Cor 1:12we are they to whom God inclines. But how unequal a partnership! What are the earth-born, the children of men, Ps 49:3 in his presence? In the words of the Prophet Isaiah, 'they are as if they were not, they're considered by him as nothing but emptiness.' Is 40:17 What meaning can there be in a comparison between such different persons? Either the Bride glorifies herself beyond measure, or the Bridegroom loves beyond measure. How wonderful that she should claim as her own the attention of the Bridegroom when she says, 'my beloved is mine', Sg 2:16 nor is she yet content, but goes on to glorify herself even more, by replying to him in her turn as to an equal; for she continues, 'and I am his'. A wonderful saying – 'and I am his'; and no less wonderful, 'My Beloved is mine'. Sg 2:16  But that both should be said together – that is more wonderful than either.

2. There is nothing that a pure heart, a good conscience, and an unfeigned faith will not venture. 1 Tim 1:5 'He inclines to me', says the Bride. Does this great Majesty incline to her thus – this Majesty on whom rests the government and administration of the universe? Does the care of the world give way to the business – or rather the repose – of the love and desire of the Bride? Yes indeed, for she is the church the elect, of whom the Apostle Paul says, 'I endure everything for the sake of the elect'. 2 Tim 2:10 And who can doubt that God shows grace and mercy to his saints, Wis 4:15 and is mindful of his elect. Therefore we cannot deny his providence towards the rest of his creatures; but the Bride claims his attention for herself. Is it for oxen that God is concerned? 1 Cor 9:9 No doubt we can say the same about horses, camels, elephants, and all the beasts on Earth and fishes of the sea and the birds of the air;    Gen 1:26 indeed of everything on the earth accept only those to whom it is said, 'Casting all your care upon him for he cares for you.' 1 Pet 5:7 Do you not see that this is the same as saying, 'Incline to him, for he inclines to you'? And notice that the Apostle Peter, whose words these are, preserves the same order of words as does the Bride, for he says, 'casting all your care upon him' – not 'in order that he may care for you' but 'because he cares for you,' Ps 89:6 thereby revealing not only the depth of his love for the Church of the Saints, but also its eternal quality."


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