In this "Advent" of waiting, a time of preparing for Christ's coming, isn't it appropriate to contemplate Mary's meditation, her "holding these things close to her heart" while awaiting the coming of her special one? For one so close to God's spirit that she could say "be it done unto me according to Thy word," would not the passion of her (and God's) son be near to her heart? And is that not why we are close to Mary, our Mother, who accompanies us in life's perils and pains? And how better expressed than in this lovely aria by Pietro Mascagni.
Listen to Ave Maria, sung by Elina Garanca.
Ave Maria, madre Santa,
Sorreggi il piè del misero che t'implora,
In sul cammin del rio dolor
E fede, e speme gl'infondi in cor.
(Hail Mary, holy Mother,
Guide the feet of the wretched one who implores thee
Along the path of bitter grief
And fill the hearts with faith and hope.)
O pietosa, tu che soffristi tanto,
Vedi, ah! Vedi il mio penar.
Nelle crudeli ambasce d'un infinito pianto,
Deh! Non m'abbandonar.
(O merciful Mother, thou who suffered so greatly,
See, ah! See my anguish.
In the cruel torment of endless weeping,
Ah! Do not abandon me.)
Ave Maria! In preda al duol,
Non mi lasciar, o madre mia, pietà!
O madre mia, pietà! In preda al duol,
Non mi lasciar, non mi lasciar.
(Hail mary! Oppressed by grief,
Do not leave me, O Mother, have mercy!
O Mother, have mercy! Oppressed by grief,
Do not leave me.)
Listen to Ave Maria sung by Angela Gheorghiu
Same sung by Kathleen Battle
Here is some information about this piece and the and the man who wrote it.
In this song I am with all who, like Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem, wait in hope on Christ, whom we experience in the love of those who love Him.
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