Friday, December 2, 2011

The Glory of the Lord

The following quote Is taken from an essay by Louis Dupre'. In this essay Dupre' provides an overview of von Balthasar's work entitled "The Glory of the Lord".  On the topic of nature and grace the following insight is provided.

"If the modern world has closed itself to redemption, it is not because of its greater respect for nature, but because of its systematic destruction of the natural order,the very soil of grace. Reducing the natural"rightness" of things to mathematical equation, modern culture has equalized, quantified, depersonalized, and formalized human life.The full embodiment of the Christ event requires not only that it be solidly attached to the cultures that preceded and followed it, but, even more, that it plunge its roots deep in the historical soil in which it has been planted."

Our understanding of our history is essential to our Faith.

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