Thursday, December 22, 2011

Comfort Ye!

Handel's Messiah puts to music Isaiah Ch. 40, which begins "Comfort, give comfort to my people."

And so the meaning of the birth of Jesus is brought home to a people burdened, oppressed in sin and darkness.

As Giussani observes in "How We Become Christian," the word "comfort" comes from "con" "forto" or with strength, and united in strength. Comfort comes to us because God joins with us, in his Son, to give us strength in our desolation, to offer "comfort" and consolation in his strength. So, let us joyfully "unite" with Him in this Christmas celebration of His incarnation, his love and mercy for us, who need his comfort, his strength, and the goodness, truth, and justice he brings, as an "echo of eternity" in our world of today.

Listen to Handel "Comfort Ye"

Listen to Handel "Unto Us a Child is Given"

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