"How possessed are we?"
I read in Sunday's Tribune a good quote about possession. Written by an economist trying to counsel consumers, he cautioned, "Many people today purchase what they don't need, spending money they don't have, for something they want only to impress someone they don't like."
That sounds like possession to me.
This from Vox Nova:
"Our society is possessed, Christians as much as anyone. We are possessed by violence, possessed by sex, possessed by money, possessed by drugs. We need to recover forms of collective exorcism as effective as was the early Christian baptism’s renunciation of ‘the devil and all his works.’” – Walter Wink, from Engaging the Powers
Christ's teaching is, let ME possess you, not the demons of sex, consumerism, violence, victimage, craven imitation, . . . . And what I am possessed with is to keep my eye on another, on my Father, to walk in lockstep with Him.
"Imitate Me."
Listen to the Beatles, "Here Comes the Sun."
Listen to George Harrison, "My Sweet Lord"
Listen to "Your Will" by Darius Brooks.
Listen to "I Belong to your Heart" by Sam Cooke.
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