Thursday, February 23, 2012


Ashes symbolize our bodily mortality, and prompt us to focus on the life of our spiritual being. Mortification and humility. Still, humus is the material of life, and our bodies are with us for the duration of our earthly journey. As a friend said to me recently, "I look at my hand and think, you've been with me for 56 years!" We agreed that, while that number may be impressive, it pales compared to the millenia of humans who have gone before us. Our little space of time on the stage of life, and the ashes we will become, should prompt us to take delight in the "now," knowing that our future lies in another place. As Sam Cooke sings, let's sing till Jesus calls us home!

Listen to Sam Cooke sing "Until Jesus Calls Me Home"

Listen to Chet Atkins, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"

Listen to "Nearer My God To Thee"

Listen to Jerry Reed, "A Thing Called Love"

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